"When – and how – are you “touched” by a sound, a movement, a texture, a sight, a taste or a smell in a space of “visual” arts?
Which bodily sensations are emerging when you encounter a sculpture, installation, performance, an image, video or sound? Where are the limits of these sensations for you in an institution for contemporary art?
How can the ProtoZone* enhance the embodied, affective properties of artistic practices?
To answer these questions, Feels Like… ProtoZone13 hosts artists who are re-valuing affective qualities and sensory perceptions in their work and refuse to be “read” in a specific way. Their practices dare us to challenge a binary split between feeling and understanding. Rather, they invite us to acknowledge the simultaneity of sensing-thinking as a non-binary entanglement when it comes to processes of “making sense” or “feeling like”. In such ways, they open up to the complexities and contradictions of aesthetic experience."